My Philosophy of Therapy

Sometimes, indisputable pain transcends and touches every aspect of our lives. As years pass, it becomes more evident that we impact those around us with our unresolved feelings and limiting beliefs. It comes out in our daily behavior. Excessive conflict with those closest to us, job dissatisfaction, feelings of increasing worthlessness, or internal unhappiness can ensue.

We negatively (or positively) impact our partners, children, closest friends, and extended family and take our pain into every crevice of our lives. We become stuck in these dances with others but feel powerless to change.

But we can. But first, we must make the unconscious conscious. We can live more fulfilling and happier lives. We are far from powerless in rewriting our narratives and making lasting changes.

Therapy is this process. And I believe you are worth it.

Therapy is showing up, bringing our stories into consciousness awareness, letting go of what doesn’t serve us, and moving forward with more clarity of what we want to manifest in our lives.

We can stop the old patterns by acknowledging and owning our pain rather than projecting it elsewhere. From here, you will leave your well-worn paths behind and enter into, more fully, your joy.

Therapy is an investment in you.

Warmly, Tracy