I love to write.


Some of my teenage girl clients teach me that the world is far different now than it once was when I was in their shoes. That people my age shouldn’t be so afraid of technology and to embrace it – enjoy it.  So I have decided to share my stories with those I love.  

I do this anyway, sitting in my living room on my couch with a friend, having a cup of tea. Or in a coffee shop. And sometimes in the sweet lull of an email connection with a dear friend who loves writing as much as I do.  

I have a wonderful group of women friends, a mother and a grandmother whom I share my stories with…and they are the perfect audience. They share their stories just the same. 

As do my clients. I really think that all of our little moments throughout the day give way to the stories that teach us about what’s important. The stories we tell and retell are the stories that shape our lives.  Sometimes it’s an old story – that needs to be examined from a new light because the story really doesn’t serve us anymore.  Sometimes, and more times than not, stories demonstrate our connectedness.  I know for sure that owning our stories helps us walk into a level of deep consciousness and mindfulness.  My stories, and how I hold them, have changed me.

What stories (disguised as circumstances) do you have that have changed you?  What moments have truly created growth for you or kept you stuck? These are the questions I ask myself and my clients.

I want this blog to serve as a creative outlet, and I hope it will touch you in some way. For those of you who love being told a good story…come along

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Disclaimer: This is my personal blog. While I write about both personal and professional experiences, my writing should be considered a matter of personal opinion. This medium does not lend itself to the level of detail and intimacy required to provide professional advice. If you are in need of a consultation, please contact my office and I will be glad to see you.